Once upon a time, in a place not so far away, lots of people died from contagious (
but preventable) diseases. Widespread vaccinations helped change that.
Vaccines have made many formerly common illnesses rare (
like whooping cough, mumps, polio, or even chickenpox).
The words "vaccinate" or "immunize" often make us think of screaming babies & small kids. In reality, traveling, coping with chronic illnesses, or even just aging can put us at greater risk. Locally, flu & pneumonia remain a leading cause of death among our elderly.
Immunization is related to the word "immune" (
meaning safe or protected).
Vaccines help your body learn to recognize & fight diseases. If done at the recommended time, they are very effective at preventing, or at least minimizing, illness. Most immunizations also put you at little to no risk. On the other hand, when people choose not be vaccinated, they endanger themselves & anyone else who isn't or can't be immunized.
For more information, check out:
- KidsHealth's
Frequently Asked Questions About Immunizations
(For kids' & teens' articles, look for the tabs near the bottom of the page. For Spanish, click on the green box on the upper right. Attention teachers: free lesson plans can be found on the left sidebar.)
- NC Public Health's
NC Immunization Requirements (details what immunizations are needed to begin daycare, school, & college plus allowed exemptions. On the left sidebar, learn more about vaccine preventable diseases & which immunizations are recommended vs. required.).
- Centers for Disease Control's
Pre-teen & Teen, &
Adult Immunization Schedules. These are also available in Spanish (gray box on the upper right). They also offer links to some interesting (& often free)
Did you know
Granville Vance Public Health offers both child & adult immunizations? Some of our programs operate on a sliding fee scale. We also accept many health insurance plans. No patient will be denied services based solely on their ability to pay. Call today with questions or for an appointment!