However, sometimes we realize that our occasional treat is being enjoyed more often. Perhaps, we notice that our treat's portion size has swelled over time... Or, we begrudgingly acknowledge that our temptation is likely interfering with our goal (whether it's to be healthy, lose weight, get in shape, etc.)...
Please remember that good habits take much longer to establish. So, if/when you slip up, be patient & forgive. Identify why it happened & what you can do differently if faced with a similar situation.
There tend to be 2 schools of thought in the topic of change. Some advocate small, gradual changes (e.g., eat 1 less piece of chocolate for a couple of weeks. Then, continue to reduce little by little, etc.). Others recommend the "cold turkey" method (pick a day & stop). Different people have had success with both methods. Researchers at UNC are currently studying whether one method has better long-term results.
Regardless of your method, if you have multiple "bad" habits to change, pick one. Once comfortable with that change (when you don't have to constantly think about it, remind yourself, or struggle with it... often a few weeks), consider starting on habit #2.
For more info, check out:
- RealSimple How to Break Bad Eating Habits-- 9 common habits & suggested "fixes"
- WebMD 6 Steps to Breaking Bad Eating Habits-- Step by step guidance for identifying habits & brainstorming ways to change
- MedlinePlus Eating Habits & Behaviors-- How to identify your triggers & suggested actions
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