August 7, 2011

Fitting in Time to Get Fit

Do you ever wonder where your day went? With obligations like work, school, chores, family time, religious activities, volunteering, etc., we sometimes end up sacrificing sleep just to get stuff done. (BTW, as discussed in a few of April's blog posts, sleep is crucial when trying to lose weight or stay emotionally & physically healthy...)

So, how on earth can we fit in fitness?

- Find an activity you enjoy. It's easier to "find" time for things we like. Be realistic so you don't get hurt.

- Figure out why being active is important to YOU. Regularly remind yourself of this reason. (common reasons-- stress relief, more energy, weight loss, weight maintenance, look toned, reduce arthritis pain, increase longevity, keep up with the kids, help prevent or treat chronic health issues, achieve a specific fitness goal, etc.)

- Schedule physical activity & treat it like any other appointment.

- Multitask! Incorporate physical activity into an already scheduled activity.
*Do something active during family time like riding bikes or kicking a soccer ball.
*Walk for a few minutes during lunch, while the kids are at sports practice, while catching up with a friend, etc.
*Park farther away from the store.
*Exercise during TV commercial breaks. (The average 30 minute show has at least 10-15 minutes of commercials.)

- Consider reprioritizing... Will your life really be worse if you work-out instead of watching a re-run you've already seen three times? Can the chores wait 30 more minutes (or maybe even until tomorrow)?

For more info:
- Feb. 10th & Mar. 26th's blog posts
- the "Move More" column has lots of tips & tricks.
- Sample flexibility exercises, strength exercises, & walking or running programs:

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