September 25, 2011

Meatless Monday Challenge

Meatless Monday is an international movement that started in 2003. It encourages people to avoid eating meat one day per week. Why?
- Even skipping meat once a week can potentially lower your risk of developing cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or weight issues.
- There can be some financial benefit since some vegetarian staples can be cheaper than meat.
- This behavior may lead to positive environmental changes.

Vegetarian diets tend to be lower in calories, saturated fat, total fat, & cholesterol. Don't forget about the additional benefits of fiber, vitamins, & minerals. However, not all vegetarian diets (or dishes) are created equal. Frequently eating items that are fried, contain high fat dairy, or are refined & processed (like chips, cookies, etc.) could still harm your waistline.

Check out the yummy, filling recipes listed below. Or, try modifying your favorites... veggie chili, veggie quesadilla or burrito, veggie potato, cheese or veggie lasagna, etc.
- (also displays the research)

If Meatless Monday sounds scary, start with a meatless breakfast or lunch. Try dinner when you feel comfortable. Perhaps you could try a recipe as a side dish on a different night. Feel free to post your questions or stories about your Meatless Monday experience!

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