July 29, 2013

TV: Terrific or Terrible?

The average American logs 5 hours per day in front of the tube. However, even watching 2-3 hours daily can be dangerous to your health. Why?
- During TV shows, most people are sedentary. Some people choose to watch TV instead of being physically active.
- Those who snack while watching tend to eat larger portions & make less healthy food choices.
- Staying up late watching TV can lead to sleep deprivation. The bright screen glare can also disrupt sleep quality.
The combination can increase your chance of weight gain & related health issues, including diabetes, heart issues, certain types of cancer, etc.

Here are some tips:
- Make a list of fun things to do.
- Don't watch during meals or before bed.
- Only watch TV when there's a show you want to watch.
- Clean or be active during commercials. (The average 30 minute show often has 10 minutes of advertising. This a great way to fit in activity.)

For more ideas & inspiration, check out:
- Eat Smart Move More NC's Tame the Tube (includes ideas, tips for kids, etc.)
- Reader's Digest's 10 Bad Habits & the Best Ways to Quit Them (Slide 2)
- Yahoo Health's 5 Ways TV can Hurt Your Health

Too much TV can also be dangerous for children. To find out why & recommended limitations, check out Kids' Health's How TV Affects Your Child.

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