May 27, 2014

Music's Many Benefits

Legendary musical artist Eric Clapton said, “For me, there is something primitively soothing about this music, and it went straight to my nervous system, making me feel ten feet tall.”

Science shows that he's on to something... Music has a lot of health benefits including:
- lowering stress, anxiety, blood pressure, & perceived pain levels while also
- improving sleep, mood, attention, & various exercise measurements.

Read more amazing facts about music's impact at:
- USA Today's 20 Surprising, Science Backed Health Benefits of Music
-'s Music & Mood.

With so many choices, how do you choose your tune? There is no exact, one-size-fits-all answer. Consider your situation, personal preferences, & goals. For more factors, check out:
- Prevention's The Best Music to Heal You
- WebMD's Music & Your Workout
-'s 12 Ways to Reduce Stress With Music

Remember to be cautious when setting the volume & take extra care while listening to music around traffic.

Happy listening!

May 21, 2014

Chew It Just a Few More Times...

Have you ever wondered how all your little credit charges could add up to that big bill? Weight gain isn't much different. One hundred calories here, a few hundred calories there... It doesn't seem like much at the time. But, it can easily sneak up!
Painless tips:
- Eat more leisurely by scheduling more time.
- Savor the food by enjoying the smell, taste, & texture.
- Use smaller utensils & plates.
- Put utensils down between bites.
- Chew food more thoroughly.
- Continue to assess whether you're still hungry.
- Leave a bite or two on the plate.
- Beware of distractions while eating.
- Have a plan for dealing with negative peer pressure.

For more info, check out:
- Reader's Digest's Lose Weight by Eating Slowly &
- WebMD's Slow Down, You Eat Too Fast.

May 12, 2014

2014 WLC Weigh-Outs Start Today!

If you have any questions, please:
- go to the WLC Events page or
- contact the Weight Loss Challenge team at 252-492-7915.

Please note that our blog will continue with weekly posts to support your healthy lifestyle choices.

May 7, 2014

Is Sleeping Overrated?

An Irish proverb has long said, "A good laugh & a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book." Research is showing how true this is... We are just beginning to understand the true importance of sleep. A lack of sleep can contribute to:
- weight gain (or difficulty losing weight);
- more accidents & injuries;
- lowered immunity;
- trouble concentrating, deciding, & remembering;
- being moody & have trouble handling stress; etc.

While everybody is different, experts recommend that most adults get between 7 - 9 hours. (Insert gasps, eye rolls, & exasperated sighs.) Even shortchanging yourself by an hour can impact how you feel & perform.

Sleep quality is equally important, though. Behaviors such as:
- what we eat or drink;
- our sleep hygiene (temperature, noise, darkness, etc.);
- physical activity levels; etc.,
can influence how we sleep.

For more info, check out:
-'s How Much Sleep do You Need? (includes signs & symptoms, myths, recommendations by age, sleep stages, tips, etc.)
- Mayo Clinic's 7 Steps to Better Sleep
- National Sleep Foundation's Sleep IQ Quiz.