August 21, 2013

Does it Matter When You Eat?

I remember watching Oprah many years ago (much longer ago than I'd care to admit)... For whatever reason, I clearly remember her saying, "I won't even eat a grape after 6pm." Her nutritional flavor of the month (aka expert) sat next to her, beaming.

Well, we probably all know how that worked out... If it were really that simple, wouldn't everyone do it & lose that stubborn weight?!?

The experts still don't agree on whether meal timing matters. Here's a just small sampling of the debate from traditionally reputable sources:
- Time's For Weight Loss Success, Think About When, Not Just What, You Eat (eat a big lunch)
- Runner's World's Stop Eating After Dinner to Lose Weight (don't eat after dinner)
- WebMD's Diet Truth or Myth: Eating at Night Causes Weight Gain (it doesn't necessarily matter)

In the articles that declare timing is important, it's ironic that the studies' authors admit that there could be other factors or even explanations for the weight loss. The weight loss also seems to be modest.

The Weight Control Information Network (referenced in the WebMD article) is a large scale, long-term study of people who've maintained significant weight loss. They feel that weight is about calories in vs. calories out. Your physical activity, food choices, & the amount eaten are far more significant than when you eat.

However, think about what people usually eat after dinner or late at night... Junk food & desserts tend to be high in calories & void of nutritional value. If we're distracted by TV, rewarding ourselves, bored, tired, or making up for starving ourselves throughout the day, there's a pretty good chance we'll overeat, too. This can translate into many unintentional calories &, eventually, excess pounds.

So, if scheduling or personality dictate a late meal, stick to healthier choices & most people's weight probably won't be doomed.

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