July 15, 2016

Coping with Cravings

Aah, we've all been there! Craving something salty... or something sweet. Maybe, it's something comforting from your childhood. Or, a reward for a hard workout or a rough day.

There are different theories as to why we have cravings.
- WebMD discusses research that found Junk Food Cravings Linked to Brain Lapse. The good news:  adequate physical activity, quality sleep, & limiting alcohol can help lessen them.
- In our modern industrialized world, cravings don't necessarily mean our body is missing nutrients. However, there are exceptions (e.g., an extremely restrictive diet; pica; etc.)
- Some people eat as a comfort or coping mechanism. The good news:  identifying this pattern (& using some of the tips below) can help you break it.

- WebMD's Food Cravings That Wreck Your Diet (plus healthier alternatives)

- Huffington Post's 5 Creative Ways to Cope With Food Cravings
- Reader's Digest's 10 Ways to Control Your Cravings
- Greatist's How to Stop Any Craving Right When it Starts

Remember, tips are like tools in a toolbox. Every tool isn't appropriate for every job. Try different tips out & see which work for you. Sometimes, it may even be situation dependent. As with any new skill or habit, practice & patience are crucial.

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