March 8, 2013

Am I hungry???

"Am I hungry?" may sound like a silly question... However, we sometimes eat for reasons other than physical hunger. While triggers will vary from person to person, examples can include:
- Boredom
- Loneliness
- Sadness
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Happiness (how often do we eat out for dates, promotions, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.?)
- Holiday celebrations

Since food is a source of energy, we often tend to overeat when sleep deprived (a subject most of us are overly familiar with... *sigh*). Unfortunately, in this situation, we tend to make less healthy food choices & have more difficulty controlling how much we eat.

The relationship between hunger & thirst often surprises people. Our brain can't always distinguish between the two requests. So, if you feel caught off-guard by your "hunger", try drinking some water first.

Need some help deciding? Try Eat Smart, Move More's How Do I Know When I'm Hungry or Full? scale.

- Assess if there's anything else that might be driving your hunger.
- Don't wait until you're starving. It's natural for many people to eat every 2-3 hours.
- Make sleep & hydration priorities.
- Including whole grains (a good source of fiber) & lean protein in meals & snacks will help you feel full longer.
- Eat more mindfully by concentrating on the smell, taste, texture, & appearance of your food.
- Practice eating slower.

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