January 1, 2016

Holiday Challenge-- Week 7

Welcome to the final week of the 2015 "Maintain, Don't Gain" Holiday Challenge. We hope the content helped motivate you to learn & practice healthy behaviors through the holidays (& beyond).

Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less (the Challenge's sponsor) reports that a record 13,500 people participated this year! Here is a summary of one of the articles & the weekly challenge.

Check out lots of great tips, tools, recipes, & webinars at Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less.

New Year's Resolutions
... Every year, people attempt a resolution but rarely have positive results. Follow these tips to make sure your resolutions stick.
Tip #1: Create goals that are specific and measurable.
Calling them New Year’s “goals” instead of “resolutions” shows that there is an idea of measuring your progress. A goal is something that can be reached... The goals need to be specific enough so that you can answer if you completed them with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. ...Try more specific goals like “Did you eat breakfast every day for a month”?

Tip #2: Allow yourself to feel a sense of accomplishment and progress.
Choose goals that are meaningful to you. If you choose to be more physically active for a reason, it will be easier to visualize your end goal. ...Celebrate the small successes along the way.

Tip #3: Know your limitations and don’t let setbacks stop your momentum.
With any new change in your lifestyle, there are going to be some rough patches while you are adjusting. Be prepared for obstacles and setbacks. Split up your large goal into small steps... once it’s broken down, you are able to feel empowered by taking it a step at a time.

Tip #4: Use tools to track your progress.
Find tools that will help you stay on track and will encourage you to reach your goal. Track however works for you; write it down on paper or use a smartphone app such as MyFitnessPal or LoseIt. Tracking your progress is key to your success.

Tip #5: Accountability partners
A great motivator to stay on track with your goal is to find an accountability partner. Choose someone who is reliable and encouraging....

Week 7 Challenge:  Find Your Motivation
Everyone has a different answer to the question why do I exercise? Why do I eat healthy? Identifying your "why" will help you stay motivated to improve your health.

What is your "why"? It's not the answer you think you are supposed to have but really what motivates you....

Start thinking of yourself as someone who has a healthy lifestyle. YOU are that person who has a gym membership that you use. YOU are that person who is always looking for ways to stay active. YOU are the person who others view as healthy. YOU are that person and you are fabulous!

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