February 23, 2011

Weight Loss Tip of the Week-- Trick for Label Reading

Some experts recommend counting fat grams when trying to lose weight. However, many people find this approach tiresome and give up.

A simple trick: Try to limit most food choices to 1/3 (or less) of calories from fat.

How: Look for "Calories from fat" on the nutrition label & multiple that number by 3. If that number is LOWER than the total number of calories, it's probably a healthier choice. If that number is HIGHER than the total number of calories, it's usually a less healthy choice.

- If there are 100 total calories per serving & 50 calories from fat => less healthy (50 x 3 = 150... which is greater than 100).
- If there are 100 total calories per serving & 20 calories from fat => healthier (20 x 3 = 60... which is less than 100).

Want to learn more about reading nutrition labels??? Our free nutrition class is 5:30pm tonight (2/23) at the South Branch Library _OR_ Mon. 2/28 in Henderson (5:30pm) & Oxford (7:15pm). The side bar has more detailed info.

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