November 27, 2012

"Maintain, Don't Gain" Week 2-- Mealtime Mindfulness

Here's an abridged article from Week 2's "Maintain, Don't Gain" newsletter. If you want more tips, sign up for the Holiday Challenge today!

Be Mindful at Mealtime
The holidays have a way of turning our routines upside-down. With all the hustle and bustle, it may seem easier to snack or to run out and scarf down some fast food instead of having a real meal, but that's the exact reason you should plan to make mealtime a priority. Stay mindful of how and what you eat to keep from gaining those pesky pounds during this  busy season. Here are some ways to keep yourself in check:
- Stick to a regular eating schedule.
- Enjoy the aromas as you prepare your meal.
- Make your plate pretty.
- Pretend you're in a restaurant.
- Eat until you're barely full.

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