June 17, 2012

WLC Award Ceremony FAQs

Attention WLC participants... Don't forget about the 2012 WLC Awards Ceremony-- Thurs 6/21 at 6:30pm at the Henderson YMCA. Here's some clarification about the event from Jackie Sergent (GVDHD). Please share this info with your teammates.

1) You do NOT have to be present to win.
2) You DO have to have lost 10 pounds to be eligible for the prize drawings.
3) Once we identify the teams and the individuals that are eligible, we assign everyone a number. Then we use a computer to randomly generate the winning numbers from the list we put into the program.
4) We will contact all winners and invite them to the event so that we can determine refreshment needs.
5) To maintain some element of surprise, we will NOT tell the winners what they have won before that night.
6) There are 40 cash prizes and 14 additional free passes donated by our very generous partners = 54 prizes!!
7) 176 people lost 10 pounds or more, which means that ~ 1 in 3 will win something = PRETTY GOOD ODDS

We will contact drawing winners soon. In the meantime, you EACH should be so proud of your effort to improve your health – ANY positive change you have made in your life and your habits is one to celebrate, and we hope that you will continue to enjoy the benefits of Eating Smart and Moving More.

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